


All professional raw materials for catering industry are products of Questfood, including fried chicken, baking, roasted, marinated, sauced, pickled, dipping, and pre-mixed materials. We provide the direct service of a professional food ingredients factory, eliminating the any exploitation, allowing customers to obtain the highest quality raw materials at the lowest price. We adapt to the strictest hygienic standards to ensure food safety and continue to improve product quality and the ease of use, making the most discerning consumer happy.


Questfood hired professionals from the field of biochemical science and technology, in response to customers’ needs of disassembling and providing a wide range of formulations. From the understanding of raw materials, usage, combination to assessment and analysis for customers’ needs, we strictly reduce risks and investment costs for our investors. At the same time, Questfood keeps improving extraction and nanotechnology skills, dramatically reduce cooking time and preserve flavor in a better way. We treated food as artwork, never let the flavor lost due to the way of process.

In addition, we insist on no extra price difference. Unlike companies relying on the high profits of secondary trading, we only earn practical profits in the raw material market. All extra services will be introduced directly to the professionals to perform. No extra rebates and commissions.


We provide OEM service to our clients. Assisting our clients to make international raw materials with the similarity above 90% or better. We provide food ingredients that comply with the industrial process so that our customers can effectively improve quality and reduce loses. We also provide services for small-amount production and customizable production of raw materials. As long as you have long-term cooperation with Questfood, we can also issue a no-external-sales guarantee, for all clients trusted us to have an additional layer of protection.


Although Questfood has no contractual cooperation with our clients since, but we will not offer products to downstream clients of long-term clients in any form, method or referral. We will never take any personal grudges or preferences to increase our customers’ prices or stop supplying.


Venture risk is rising, how to minimize the risk is the voice of many entrepreneurs. Questfood is ahead of our competitors to provide all catering industries a transparent and affordable business platform. We will pre-explain any problems that might occur for entrepreneurs without holding back, so clients can have less complaints throughout the progress. Unlike other companies that take a million NT$ price with less success rate, it only take about 300 thousand NT$ for an absolute plan from Questfood that makes you 10 thousand NT$ profit a day. It’s less likely that our clients can have anything to complain.


Questfood provides free professional analysis and assistance to any investment made by our clients, so that all clients can clearly understand their upcoming problems and risks to prevent loses from happening.


We are very much looking forward to expanding our overseas bases and making overseas partners. We are also training more professionals to be stationed overseas to supply and assist.






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