
Over the years, Questfood has evolved from a factory to today's large-scale and continually growing catering company. Apart from the food technology we are proud of, we also feel grateful for our customers’ support along the way. In order to make the existing and potential customers more aware of the future development of Questfood, the following is a brief description of the current status of our company, the forecast of trends with corresponding strategies, and long-term goals.


Questfood’s raw material supply is widely recognized by the international market. Our research, development and processing technology have also been fully matured enough to become an international standard supplier. With the expansion of our trading range, our business contacts are gradually extending to the world. During those years, we have met numerous trading partners with common ideas. The company's internal personnel have been through several changes, those who stay with us until now are the ones who are willing to work hard. In this way, Questfood's team is formed.


Questfood predicted that the future of the catering market may be developed in a polarized way. Take the baking industry as an example. The two ways of the polarization are convenience stores (large sales with everyday low price) and bakeries (limited sales with high prices). In the highly competitive food market, the key to success is technology, both in production and sales, and that's what we are good at. Questfood also expanded again in 2011, not only introduced professional equipment to enhance competitiveness, but also proactively increased our business items and crossed our business to other industries to prove our strength in the market.


When the team only left with the right people, the next step is to do the right thing. Questfood is trying to replicate our success in Taiwan to the rest of the world and establishing an easy and transparent global trading and consulting platform.

As for the global layout, we have set a 5-year plan to keep gathering new crews. We will show the world that Taiwan is not only well-known for electronics industry, but it will also become the best food industry in the world.






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